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Tips for Caregivers in 2023

Self-care is essential for maintaining good physical, mental, and emotional health, and it can help reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve overall quality of life.

The University of California-San Francisco offers the following helpful “Self-Care for Caregivers” tips:



  • Take time for yourself and your own needs. Watch for signs of stress, such as impatience, loss of appetite or difficulty with sleep, concentration or memory. 
  • Pay attention to changes in your mood, a loss of interest in usual activities, or an inability to accomplish usual tasks.
  •  Eat a well-balanced diet. Drink plenty of water every day. 
  • Exercise by taking short walks daily or at least three times a week. 
  • Listen to guided relaxation recordings or relaxing music. 
  • Schedule short rest periods between activities. Make it a priority to get a good night's sleep. 
  • Set limits for what you can do. Don't overload your daily to-do list. Be realistic.
  •  Find a few hours several times a week for activities that you find meaningful and enjoyable.
  •  Let family members and friends help with household chores, meal preparation, childcare, and shopping. 
  • Keep the lines of communication open among your loved one, you, your family and friends, and the health care team. 
  • Share your feelings with family members or other caregivers, or join a support group. 
  • Give yourself credit: The care you give does make a difference. 



If you are a caregiver, remember you are not alone: you are one of the over 53 million nationwide, providing the most important service to another human being that you can. 

Please call us for more information at 718-806-1666 ext. 104; ext.100


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