Employee Compensation
Effective October 1, 2022, all caregivers (including CD-PAP Caregivers) will receive $21.09 per hour in Total compensation. This total compensation includes a cash portion (Base Wage) and a benefit portion (Additional Wages and Supplemental Wages).
Every caregiver who works on Medicaid cases will receive Wage Parity Benefits paid by the Company. Currently, the Company will pay $17.00 per hour in payroll and $3.00 per hour in the Wage Parity Benefit Cards up to 40 hours per week ($5 Monthly maintenance charge will be deducted from your card, 5% of benefit amount will be charged by our third party). You can find the explanation on how to use the benefit card in the brochure, which you will receive with the card.
1. The Company will pay 25.5 $ per hour working on the following five holidays:
4th of July
Labor Day
Thanks Giving Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
2. The Caregiver can request vacation after 6 month worked. Complete hourly compensation of the additional $1.09 per hour, which is accumulated during the above mentioned 6 month period worked based on the total hours. Not used vacation hours will roll over for the following year.
3. Live-in Caregivers will be paid, based on 13 hours per day of work, which will be $221.00 ($17.00 per hour x 13hours) plus wage parity benefits. Each live-in caregiver will not work more than 3 days per week. Every Caregiver working on live-in cases is required to sleep 8 hours during the night, and less than 5 consecutive hours and to take 3 one-hour meal breaks. If the Caregiver is sleeping less than 8 hours or is interrupted for work purposes so frequently that he/she does not get 5 consecutive hours or 3 meals breaks, then he/she must immediately report to the Agency Coordinator in writing. If Caregiver the doesn't report immediately to the Agency timely in writing, Agency will not pay to Caregiver for missed sleep or meal breaks. Benefits for live-in Caregivers are calculated based on 13 hours per day of work. All Wage Parity benefits will be the same as described above.