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Consumer Direct Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)

To provide care for the people who once cared for us is one of life’s greatest honors

Expanding Home Care Options with Client-Choose Medicaid Carers in New York

CDPAP is a New York Medicaid program that allows the client or the client’s family member to choose their own caregiver, giving them greater control over their homecare plan. Essentially, the client or a family member becomes the employer, and they can hire whomever they want to provide the necessary Personal assistant with the Home Care Agency provide compensation and health benefits. 

Getting Started: 
To participate in CDPAP, a doctor must send a completed Physician’s Order to our intake department.

Effective Home Care can set up individually for this program and guide them through the entire process every step of the way. We will answer any questions you or your loved ones may have.

We are here to help

Please fill out our Patient Enrollment Form and we will assist you with the process

Patient Enrollment Form

Please call us for more information at 718-806-1666 ext. 104; ext.100


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